
《ladbrokes立博中文版》 ranks BSU as a Best College for the second year in a row! 了解更多

Bachelor of 艺术 in Communication

Plan for Success with a Bachelor of Communication at BSU

沟通技巧是雇主最看重求职者的品质之一. Develop and hone these skills — including 说话, 写作, 听, 数字媒体, 视觉沟通和战略沟通-通过ladbrokes立博中文版的本科沟通课程.

As more and more businesses and organizations shift to remote work, communication skills are more important than ever. 我们的 Department of Communication BSU提供三个相互关联的学习途径,每个途径都可以获得通信学士学位, as well as four 未成年人 that complement related areas of study.


Communication Program Highlights

2 students at microphones with headphones on creating a podcast

Acquire skills that will benefit you in any career

无论你选择哪一种途径作为你的传播学学士或相关辅修, you will gain valuable and transferrable skills such as public 说话, 研究和写作. 毕业后,你将成为一个自信而有效的口头、书面和视觉交流者.

Dr. 梅勒妮·麦克诺顿(Melanie McNaughton)在教室前面讲课时,指着投影仪屏幕上的图像

Expert faculty means dynamic instruction

在BSU, 我们的教师是国际知名的研究人员和从业者,他们将为您提供世界一流的教育. 在攻读传播学文学学士学位或辅修传播学专业时, 你可能和一位屡获殊荣的电影制作人和演员一起上课. 你可能会有另一节课,老师被东方传播协会评为杰出研究员. Six of our faculty members have also won outstanding teaching awards.

Practice in facilities with real-world equipment

Practice in facilities with real-world equipment

不用离开校园,就能体验到在电视演播室和编辑实验室工作的感觉. Operate an HD studio camera, 学习如何合并图形到直播视频与Tricaster广播切换功能, work with a green screen in the RTV Television Studio and more. BSU students learn to work with professional DSLR and RED cameras, 替身, 便携式照明设备, 和现场录音设备-实用的技能,可以转移到任何媒体生产环境.

Gain on-the-job experience through an internship

我们的综合通信学士课程将为您提供大量的实践学习机会, including an internship during your junior or senior year. BSU students have interned at WBZ-TV Channel 4, WGBH, 波士顿环球报, 大西洋月刊在线版, Museum of Science, and Special Olympics — among many others.

Choose the bachelor’s degree in communications that is right for you

我们知道,传播学学士学位并没有放之四海而皆准的标准, 在波士顿州立大学, 我们给你选择. Within our communication programs, 你可以集中精力学习,根据自己的兴趣和职业目标调整自己的教育.

Flexibility to learn on your schedule

BSU的 College of Continuing Studies gives you maximum flexibility to complete your degree. 传播学学士学位课程可以在白天在桥水大学的主校区学习, or you may pursue your degree online. 我们的在线课程遵循与我们的日间课程相同的要求和课程, and many of our faculty members teach on campus as well as online. 该选项适用于传播和媒体研究专业, the film and video arts concentration, and the public relations concentration.

Extracurricular activities offer extra learning opportunities

If you’re thinking of a bachelor of arts in media studies, communication or a similar field, BSU has a variety of clubs and teams for you. 布里奇沃特电影制作人协会将给你一个空间,在那里你可以与其他学生讨论和分析电影, bounce ideas off one another and connect more with your peers. If you’re interested in pursuing a bachelor of public relations, 通过美国公共关系学生协会获得的专业经验可以放在你的简历上.

在我们的营销和传播部门工作,发展你在数字通信方面的技能, 社交媒体, video production and photography. The Communication Department is also affiliated with 评论, BSU的 student-led newspaper, and WBIM, the student-led radio station.


Did you know that 35% of BSU undergraduates enter as transfer students? 我们的专用 传输服务 staff will work with you to figure out how to transfer credits, which courses to take next, and how to settle in as a member of the BSU community.

Program of Study for Communication 专业


  • The Concentration in Communication and Media Studies delves into the rich connections between media texts, 文化习俗和我们日常生活中的交流习惯和技巧.
  • The Concentration in Film and Video 艺术 Production will give you a comprehensive education in 写作, 生产, directing and editing for film, 电视, digital video production and other media.
  • The Concentration in Public Relations, like similar bachelor of public relations programs, centers around communication theory and research, 战略写作, 说话, 媒介素养, visual communication and public relations planning.

Communication studies 未成年人
If you want to pursue a bachelor’s degree in another field, 传播学系的辅修课程几乎可以与任何其他领域的学习相匹配, 从英语到商务.

  • 传播学辅修课程包括基本知识和技能的基础课程, 此外,你还可以根据自己的职业目标选择各种沟通课程.
  • 数字媒体辅修是一个跨学科的课程,教你如何计划, 生产, critique and distribute media content across a variety of channels.
  • 综合传播辅修是一个跨学科的课程,教你如何将公共关系结合起来, 营销和广告技能和知识,为组织沟通活动.
  • 电影研究辅修课程是一门跨学科的课程,它教会学生思考, 从不同的角度对视觉媒体进行批判性的说话和写作.

Click any link below to reveal each program's course detail.

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Program details from 2024-2025 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog


我在ladbrokes立博中文版主修传播学的决定继续推动着我的职业发展. 我在课程中通过亲身体验学到的口头和书面技能,对我在公司内部工作和担任顾问很有帮助.”

Communication, Film and Video 艺术 Production Concentration, BA

媒体职业 & 沟通研究

获得媒体研究或传播学文学学士学位的一个值得注意的事情是,你可以将你获得的知识和技能应用到任何职业领域, regardless of the concentration you choose. 例如, 我们的公共关系专业——这个领域的增长速度几乎是全国平均水平的两倍——教你可以在任何地方应用的技能.


  • 哈佛商学院重聚与领导力给予项目助理主任
  • Director of Community Benefits, Southcoast 健康
  • Director of Sales and Marketing, Hotel 1620 Plymouth Harbor
  • Director of Videography, The Parlor Brand Studio
  • Video Producer and Director, DigiNovations
  • Communication Director, Massachusetts House of Representatives
  • Production Assistant, Boston Red Sox
  • Television reporters and 生产rs

Jobs in media and communications is estimated to grow


到2030年,这比所有职业的平均水平都要快.S. 劳工统计局. This will result in about 152,000 new jobs.

2 people talking and exchanging written information

Continue your education beyond Communication


  • Business Administration, MBA
  • Business Foundations, Graduate Certificate
  • Counseling, Mental 健康 Counseling Concentration, MEd